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Study Guide--Classroom Motivation from A to Z: How to Engage Your Students in Learning

EN Langue, linguistique et écriture il y a 2 ans 1423
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The activities in the guide will help you connect the suggestions and strategies in Classroom Motivation from A to Z to your real-life teaching experiences. For each of the 26 chapters in the book, you will find a series of three activities that will help you reflect on your current practices. They ask you to ACT now and turn your classroom into a place where students can thrive. Assess where you are right now. Identify your strengths and pat yourself on the back! Then, identify your challenges and get busy deciding how to be more effective. Consider trying something new. This portion of the study guide asks you to step out of your comfort zone and consider trying one of the strategies or practices you've read about. Take away a valuable idea. Finally, be prepared to walk away with something you could literally use tomorrow.
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