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The CBT Workbook for Perfectionism: Evidence Based Skills to Help You Let Go of Self Criticism, Build Self Esteem, and Find Balance

EN Santé, famille et développement personnel il y a 3 ans 2580
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"If you feel an intense pressure to be perfect, this evidence-based workbook offers real strategies based in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you develop a more balanced and healthy perspective. Do you hold yourself--and perhaps others--to extremely high standards?

Do you procrastinate certain tasks because you're afraid you won't carry them out perfectly? If you've answered "yes" to one or both of these questions, chances are you're a perfectionist. And while there's nothing wrong with hard work and high standards, perfectionism can also take over your life if you let it. So, how can you find balance?

With this workbook, you'll identify the causes of your perfectionism and the ways it is negatively impacting your life. Rather than measuring your self-worth by productivity and accomplishments, you'll learn to exercise self-compassion, and extend that compassion to others. You'll also learn ways to prioritize the things that really matter to you, without focusing on attaining fixed goals.

Life isn't perfect, and neither are we. If you're ready to break free from out-of-control perfectionism and start living a richer, fuller life, this workbook will help you get started"

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