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The Book of Alpha: 30 Rules I Followed to Radically Enhance My Confidence, Charisma, Productivity, Success, and Life

EN Santé, famille et développement personnel il y a 3 ans 2535
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Every man comes to a crossroads at some point in his life...

You can keep your head down and live a life marked by stagnation, fear, indecision, loneliness, and self-doubt. Or you can break free from the crowd and live a life marked by growth, abundance, courage, success, and happiness.

This book is about how author David De Las Morenas traded the former kind of life for the latter. Inside you'll find the thirty rules he followed to quit a boring 9-5, get his dream job, attract more women, publish two books, build a superior body, and love himself.

Inside this book you'll learn:

- How to overcome the fear of failure

- A simple trick to revolutionize your productivity

- An easy way to become the leader of any group

- One common mistake that kills your ability to attract women

- How to always be in control of your thoughts

...and much, much more.

Pick up your copy right now by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!

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