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Voices of the American Revolution: Stories of Men, Women, and Children Who Forged Our Nation

EN Paquets scolaires il y a 3 ans 1685
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Riveting accounts of real people tell the story of the American Revolution from diverse characters and viewpoints-from men, women, children, Patriots, Tories, pacifists, African-American slaves, Native Americans, Hessian mercenaries, and more. All major political, social, economic, and military viewpoints are represented. Political debates, military battles and maneuvering, the struggles of civilians, the role of children, and the fates of Tories and Continental soldiers at the end of the war are just some of the themes covered. With each story, Haven includes a variety of learning extensions-objective questions, research projects, hands-on learning activities, and open-ended points to ponder for discussion and debate. A bibliography of resources for further study completes the work. Packed with information, this engaging collection is a wonderful supplement to American History units, a great resource for read-alouds and student reports.

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